After-sales support

Welcome to our after-sales service site! If you have any questions or problems, we are here to help you. You can also cancel your subscription here.


Cancellation is free and instantaneous. You don't have to do anything! Click below to get started.

Contact us

If you have any problems or questions, our support team at can be reached directly via a form that can be accessed by clicking on this link. You will also find all our contact information on this page.

What we do the platform to manage your subscription!

What is the purpose of this site?

Our partner has decided to use an independent after-sales service in order to provide you with the best possible after-sales service. Our team of professionals is at your disposal to answer your questions, to help you in case of problems and to accompany you in the termination of your contract.


Cancel your subscription here

This site has been designed to facilitate the termination of your subscription with our partners. You have nothing to do, and everything is free! Get your email address and click here to unsubscribe.

About us

An efficient After-Sales Service

Our partners have understood this: only by dedicating 100% to after-sales service can you be efficient and fully satisfy your customers. All our members are after-sales professionals. We would like to thank our partner for trusting in our experience and competence. Do not hesitate to visit our About page to learn more.

About us

Your satisfaction is our priority

Whether you have a simple problem using the site or want to cancel your subscription, we are here for you. Things are clear with our partners: our priority is customer satisfaction, whatever the request! You can easily cancel your subscription by clicking here.
